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Gopher Update….Track open family day Monday!

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gopher dunes

With the warm front moving in over the weekend we will be opening up the track on Monday February 20 from 11am to 5pm! Both the main track and peewee track will be open! However, the Beginner track, Arenacross track, and trails will remain closed. We hope you can make it out to get some early season riding in!
To kick off the beginning of our 32nd season, we will be giving away a prize pack and free ride for the day to our 32nd rider signing in!
Our 2017 memberships are now available. Please contact Kerri at or call her at the Pro Shop 519-688-4075. Our membership rates have not changed from 2016 and are as follows:
– $450.00 – 1 rider
– $800.00 – 2 riders (family)
– $1125.00 – 3 riders (family)
– $1400.00 – 4 riders (family)
– $1500.00 – 5 riders (family)
** 13% hst is applicable to above rates **
(same family applies to parents & immediate children only)
Enjoy the long weekend with your friends and family!
Are you UNDER 18?  If so, it is mandatory that you complete the Gopher Dunes Parental/Minor Participant Waiver forms for 2017.  Please take the time to read and sign these forms in the comfort of your home, and bring along the completed Minor Waivers.  Without both parental signatures, you will not be allowed to ride!  These forms can be accessed online at
 Sunday April 16 – AMO Motocross Race (ANQ)
 Sunday April 23 – Spring 4X4 Mudfest
 Sunday April 23 – CMRC MX Race
 Sunday April 30 – TVR Club Race
 Sunday May 14 – AMO Motocross Race
 Sunday May 28 – TVR Club Race
 Sunday June 18 – CMRC Motocross Race
 Sunday June 25 – Poker Run
 Saturday July 8 – CMRC Motocross Race
 Sunday July 9 – CMRC Pro Motocross National
 Sunday July 30 – TVR Club Race
 Sunday August 6 – Steel City Riders Club Race
 Saturday September 2 – Quicksand Sprint Enduro
 Sunday September 10 – Fall 4X4 Mudfest
 Sunday September 10 – CMRC Motocross Race
 Saturday September 16 – Sandstorm Arenacross Race
 Sunday September 17 – Sandstorm Motocross Race
 Saturday October 8 – TVR Double Header Race
 Sunday October 9 – TVR Double Header Race
 Sunday October 22 – Vet & Vintage Day

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